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Triumph Systems Pop Packs - Prestige Tactical - high quality products at reasonable prices

Triumph Systems Pop Packs


80 in stock

Triumph Systems Pop Packs

This multi-variable and responsive training aid was developed with a Navy SEAL to facilitate cognitive shooting drills, refine marksmanship, and add another degree of fun to a day at the range. Pop Packs are available in a box of 12 packs. Each pack has 1 of 12 unique variable arrangements consisting of different colors, shapes, and numbers.

80 in stock

SKU: TRI-POP Categories: ,


Triumph Systems Pop Packs

This multi-variable and responsive training aid was developed with a Navy SEAL to facilitate cognitive shooting drills, refine marksmanship, and add another degree of fun to a day at the range. Pop Packs are available in a box of 12 packs. Each pack has 1 of 12 unique variable arrangements consisting of different colors, shapes, and numbers. This variety is great for advanced defensive shooters practicing ‘call-out’ drills. Place the packs down range, and when the variable is called out from the firing line – race your friends to identify and engage the designated target! Not only is it a lot of fun, but it also reinforces positive identification as well as engaging the target until it is completely impacted. The end result is a highly visible pop! of environmentally safe gel that is water soluble and will not stain your clothes. Pop packs illustrate the nuances of shooting, and are a great way to introduce children and beginners to the sport.

Each pack includes:

12 Gusseted Bags with Hanging Holes
One Sheet of 9 Numbered Stickers: Numbers 1, 2, 3

Height: 5 inches
Width: 3.5 inches
Depth: 1.5 inches

Recommended for outdoor use. Proudly designed in the USA.


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