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TraumaFix Military field dressing 10cm x 19cm - Prestige Tactical - high quality products at reasonable prices

TraumaFix Military field dressing 10cm x 19cm


5 in stock (can be backordered)

TraumaFix Military field dressing 10cm x 19cm

Quickly stems major bleed injuries, allowing the medic to immediately attend other injuries or monitor vital signs. Highly absorbent non-adherent wound pad. High pressure bandage. Super-fast application, quick-fix fastening.

5 in stock (can be backordered)

SKU: COMFD1 Category:


TraumaFix Military field dressing 10cm x 19cm

  • New technology for major bleeds.
  • Offers amazing absorption of fluid.
  • Vacuum compressed packing.
  • Advanced safety absorbency protection.

Quickly stems major bleed injuries, allowing the medic to immediately attend other injuries or monitor vital signs. Highly absorbent non-adherent wound pad. High pressure bandage. Super-fast application, quick-fix fastening.


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