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Threat Down Evil Clown Silhouette - Prestige Tactical - high quality products at reasonable prices

Threat Down Evil Clown Silhouette


Available on back-order

This responsive target provides instant feedback, leaving no doubt as to where your rounds have impacted the vital organs. The vital organs are made of environmentally safe, highly visible gel. This 100+ round target was developed for most calibers.

Available on back-order

SKU: TRI-TD-CLO Category:


This responsive target provides instant feedback, leaving no doubt as to where your rounds have impacted the vital organs. The vital organs are made of environmentally safe, highly visible gel. This 100+ round target was developed for most calibers. It is a great training tool for shooters of all skill levels, from beginners to the advanced level shooter. Developed with a Navy SEAL, the targets are ideal for defensive training, but are also great for a fun day on the range. Each organ is represented by a different color, providing easy-to-identify round placement. The water-soluble gel will not stain clothing. Additional grid targets are located in the corners to maximize use of this fully reactive target.

Recommended for outdoor use. Proudly designed in the USA.


Height: 30 inches
Width: 22 inches


Corrugate Target
100 Individually filled shooting cells

Gel colors

High-Visibility Red
High-Visibility Blue


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