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Nite Firefly MiniGlow (Grove Finish) - Prestige Tactical - high quality products at reasonable prices

Nite Firefly MiniGlow (Grove Finish)


Nite Firefly MiniGlow (Grove Finish)

These eye-catching self-luminous markers incorporate all the useful features of Miniglows, but designed in a compact and attractive form.

SKU: NFFMIN-1 Categories: ,


Nite Firefly MiniGlow (Grove Finish)

These eye-catching self-luminous markers incorporate all the useful features of Miniglows, but designed in a compact and attractive form.

There are three choices of finish … smooth, groove and dimple … each with nine visible trigalight® colour options. The high quality chrome fittings delver considerable strength and durability and ensure that these MiniGlow markers will provide the user with many years reliable service.


Dimensions: 18 x 9mm

Weight: 3g

Additional information


Ice Blue, Orange, Pink, Purple, White, Blue, Yellow, Green, Red