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First Responder Medical kit (Weekly Rental) - Prestige Tactical - high quality products at reasonable prices

First Responder Medical kit (Weekly Rental)


First Responder Medical Kit (Weekly Rental)

By ordering this kit, you acknowledge that it will ONLY be used by someone who is qualified to do so.

The initial rental charge is for the hire of the complete kit, any items that have the tamper seals / bags opened will be charged once the kit is returned. These items then belong to you so please feel free to keep them for future use. Should you require an item that is not listed, let us know and we can supply it for you.

SKU: MEDKITR2 Categories: ,


First Responder Medical Kit (Weekly Rental)

By ordering this kit, you acknowledge that it will ONLY be used by someone who is qualified to do so.

The initial rental charge is for the hire of the complete kit, any items that have the tamper seals / bags opened will be charged once the kit is returned. These items then belong to you so please feel free to keep them for future use. Should you require an item that is not listed, let us know and we can supply it for you. Depending on the item, there may be no additional charge. Refill items can be sent out to replenish the kit should this be required. As requirements vary, please Specify which colour bag you would like the kit to be in. (Green, Red, Black, Olive Drab or Tan)

All Kits as a Minimum Include:

1 x Accident Book

3 x Bandages (size 9)

3 x Bandages (size 8)

1 x Eye Bandage

1 x Blood Pressure Monitor (Manual)

2 x Burn Gel Pad (100mm x 100mm)

1 x Burn Get (3.5ml sachet)

3 x Gen7 CAT-Tourniquet

1 x Celox Granules (15g)

2 x Celox Z Fold Gauze

1 x Celox-Applicator Packs

2 x Chest Seals

1 x Cling Film (Role)

3 x 4″ Combat Dressing

3 x 6″ Combat dressing

1 x Electronic Thermometer with Spare Covers

1 x Gaffer Tape

2 x Hazardous Waste Bag

2 x Ice Packs

1 x Ice Pack Sleeve

1 x LED Flexi Light

1 x LED Torch

1 x Neck collar (Adjustable)

2 x NP Airways (size 7)

1 x OP Airways Pack

10 x Pairs of Gloves

2 x Pens (Black Ink)

1 x Pulse Oximeter

1 x Plasters (Pack of Fabric strip 7.5cm x 1m)

1 x Resuscitation Face Mask

2 x Sharpie’s (Black)

1 x Sharps Small Bin

5 x Sick Bag

1 x Snaplight ( colours will vary)

10 x Sterile Wasah Pods (20ml each)

1 x Stethoscope

1 x Torch (PowerTac Cadet G2)

1 x Triangular Bandage

1 x Tuff Cut Scissors

1 x Small Tuff Cut Scissors

12 x Wipes (alcohol free, packs of 3)

1 x Zinc Oxide Tape (2.5cm x 2m)