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Celox Haemostatic Gauze (56g) Rolled Version - SINGLE PACK - Prestige Tactical - high quality products at reasonable prices

Celox Haemostatic Gauze (56g) Rolled Version – SINGLE PACK


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Celox Haemostatic Gauze (56g) Rolled Version – SINGLE PACK

CELOX Gauze has highly effective Celox granules bonded on to the surface of a stable gauze which will not compact under pressure. CELOX’s unique, patented and natural formula, works independently of the body’s normal clotting mechanisms to clot blood even where normal clotting is slow or impaired.

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SKU: CXGR Category:


Celox Haemostatic Gauze (56g) Rolled Version – SINGLE PACK

CELOX Gauze has highly effective Celox granules bonded on to the surface of a stable gauze which will not compact under pressure. CELOX’s unique, patented and natural formula, works independently of the body’s normal clotting mechanisms to clot blood even where normal clotting is slow or impaired. CELOX is made with chitosan. Chitosan is broken down by lysozyme, a human enzyme, to leave glucosamine, a sugar which is normally found in the body. CELOX is suitable for severe high pressure bleeding, arterial & venous bleeding, bullet, blast, knife & shrapnel wounds, wound packing, applying through strong blood flows and application to all bleeding wounds

NATO Stock Number: 6510-99-998-6355

Dimensions: 7.6cm x 3m (Sterile)